Sportshub offers true multi-disciplinary care and having Pacific Radiology Metro branch on the same site is a huge advantage for our patients. Pacific Radiology is New Zealand’s largest leading private radiology provider. Additionally, its location below Sportshub enables our patients to access services quickly. Sports radiology plays an essential role in the diagnosis, management and treatment of sports-related injuries. More importantly, in some instances negating the need for invasive surgery.
Services on site include the latest in Ultrasound, Xray and Cone beam CT technology. Our expert radiologists can perform advanced medical imaging therapeutic procedures. Moreover, that makes this is ideal for top-performing sports enthusiasts and professionals. Using an ultrasound or x-ray fluroscopy to guide an injection of a corticodteroid and a local anaesthetic, these procedures can eliminate the need for invasive surgery and are welcomed by patients and referrers alike as a faster, safer and better tolerated and a more cost-effective option.
The cone beam computed tomography (CT) scan machine is a cutting-edge medical imaging device. It utilizes cone-shaped X-ray beams to generate detailed three-dimensional images of a patient’s anatomy. It is commonly used in dental and maxillofacial imaging, but it can also be applied in other areas such as orthopedics and ENT (ear, nose, and throat) examinations.
Furthermore, the cone beam CT scan machine works by rotating a C-arm, around the patient’s head or body. As the C-arm rotates, it captures a series of X-ray images from various angles. Unlike traditional CT scanners, which use a fan-shaped X-ray beam, the cone beam CT employs a cone-shaped beam, hence its name.